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Tím Enviroportálu


Under Article 45 of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic: "everyone has the right to timely and complete information about the state of the environment and the causes and consequences of this condition." That right of citizens to information on the environment was enacted by the Act of Parliament SR 17/1992 Coll. on the environment as it laid down an obligation for the Ministry of Environment (MoE) to produce each year a report on the state of the environment. These obligations are more adapted by some other Act of the Parliament SR - amended by later regulations. The most recently by Act of the Parliament SR 205/2004 Coll. on the collection, storage and dissemination of information on the environment and on amendments to certain laws. According to § 7 of the Act, reports on the state of the environment shall contain, in particular data on the state of the environment and the causes and consequences of this condition, as well as data on trends of development and measures to protect and improve the environment, including international cooperation. Unlike previous legal norms Act of the Parliament SR 205/2004 Coll. imposes an obligation that the report on the state of the environment was distributed mainly through public telecommunications networks, especially the Internet.

Reports on the state of the environment in the Slovak Republic in the relevant calendar year - available to you on this site - they are faithful and an identical electronic version of the official reports on the state of the environment in the Slovak Republic, issued by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic in cooperation with the Slovak Environmental Agency under the above-mentioned legislation.

To facilitate the work with these relatively long documents, we divided these documents into each chapter in the left side menu so that the user can as quickly as possible find, download, or study only those parts of the reports which are the subject of interest. If the reader identifies such chapter of report, then automatically gets to the selected chapter for all the years.