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European system of protected areas – Natura 2000

Last update of indicator20.12.2023

Indicator definition

The indicator describes the overview of the European system of protected areas Natura 2000 in the SR Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) (number, acreage, % of the SR area).


%, ha


Related policy documents and targets

Greener Slovakia - The Strategy for Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030 (Envirostrategy 2030) (2019)

2.1 Stopping the Loss of Biodiversity
  • The completion of the national part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas

2.3 Simplify the system and adhere to thenon-intervention in areas with the highest degree of protection
  • In the long term it is necessary to sort out the question of ownership in protected areas and gradually transfer as large an area as possible into the ownership of the state via exchanges, buy-outs, long-term lease, or contractual management and, if appropriate, in terms of state-owned land also via delimitation of competencies


The Updated National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy up to 2020 (2014)
Area A: Nature protection

Objective A.1 To stop the deterioration of the status of all species and habitats, especially those covered by the EU legislation and achieve a significant and measurable improvement in their status.


An action plan for implementation of measures resulting from the updated National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy up to 2020 (2014)
Objective A.1
Measure A.1.1 Consistently implement the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive, adopted resolutions and decisions of international conventions, organizations and programs and improved national legislation in order to strengthen the protection of species and habitats and also link the network of protected areas on a scientific basis
Proposed tasks:
1. To complete the national list of Sites of Community Importance (SCI) pursuant to the requirements of the European Commission for designated habitats and species of European interest
2. To ensure the declaring of those SCIs, which do not have adequate protection
12. To ensure processing and implementation of care programmes and conservation programs of protected areas, and particularly those included in the Natura 2000, and sites of international importance, including caves (Subterranean habitats)
14. To ensure the implementation of management measures in protected areas during the period up to the approval of the their care programmes

Key question

What is the state and trend in the European network Natura 2000?

Key messages

  • In the European network of PA Natura 2000, as of 2022, all 41 special protection areas (SPAs) are declared with the total area of 1,309,984 ha (26.7% of the SR territory).
  • 23 SPAs have an approved management program.
  • In 2022, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved an addition to the national list of Sites of Community Importance (SCIs). It contained 97 sites with a total area of 10,195 ha. Subsequently, an updated database of Natura 2000 sites was published. The EC will include these sites in the implementing decisions for the Alpine and Pannonian biogeographic regions, which will come into effect in 2024.
  • The current number of SCIs is 739 sites with an area of 625,499 ha, which represents 12.8% of the area of the Slovak Republic.
  • The total area of the Natura 2000 system (that is, after subtracting the mutual overlap) is approximately 1,468 thous. ha (29.9% of the SR area).
Change since 2005 Change since 2015 Last year-on-year change
Pozitivny trend Neutralny trend Pozitivny trend
The building of the European network Natura 2000 started. As part of the implementation of the Natura 2000 system, the following activities were carried out: the processing of management programs for the SPAs (not yet completed), the addition of the SCIs national list in accordance with the conclusions of the negotiations with the EC, and the preparation of protection projects for declared SCIs. An addition to the national list of SCIs was approved, as well as other management programs for the SPAs.


Summary assessment


European network of protected areas Natura 2000 in the SR

Map: European network of protected areas – Natura 2000 in the SR

Source: SNC


Detailed assessment


Sites of Community importance (SCI) are not a new another category of protected areas – they are localities proposed as the protected territories based on criteria defined in Directive of the Council No 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (the Directive of Natural Habitats).
National list of sites of Community importance was approved by the SR Government by the Resolution No. 239/2004 on March 17, 2004 and it was issued by SR MoE decree No. 3/2004-5.1 of  July 14,2004 and sent for approval to the European Commission.
382 territories with the area of 573 690 ha were included in the draft list. The territories covered 11.7% of the SR acreage, the overlap with the current network of protected areas is 86%.

SCI were proposed for 44 species of plants, 96 species of animals and 66 types of habitats.


The updated national list of SCIs currently contains 739 SCIs with an area of 625,499 ha, which represents 12.8% of the area of the Slovak Republic.


In 2022:

  • In 2022, the Slovak Government by resolution no. 454 of July 13, 2022, approved the supplement to the national list of SCIs. The supplement contains 97 sites with a total area of 10,195 ha.
  • Subsequently, according to § 27 par. 4 of the Nature and Landscape Protection Act, an updated database of Natura 2000 sites was published on July 18, 2022. The European Commission will include these sites in the implementation decisions for the Alpine and Pannonian biogeographic regions, which will come into effect in 2024.
  • In 2022, the preparation of the consolidated version of the national list of SCIs, approved gradually by the resolutions of the Government of the Slovak Republic since 2004, continued.
  • SNC SR carried out the identification of borders according to the current state of the real estate cadastre.
  • The legislative process continued and also the preparation of government regulations for the declaration of some SCIs in the national category of protected areas.
  • During 2022, PS Vydrica, NP Muránska planina was declared and the process of declaring NR Devínska Kobyla began.



The special protection areas (SPA) are a newer category of the protected areas introduced in the national legal system – they are localities declared as protected based on criteria defined in Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds (the Birds Directive).

The national list of proposed special protection areas (pSPA) was approved by the SR Government Resolution No. 636/2003 of 9 July 2003. In accordance with the section 26, par. 3 of Act no. 543/2002 Coll. on Nature and landscape protection. The list of SPAs contains the name of the location and cadastral area of the proposed special protection area, acreage of site and justification of protection proposal. The National lists of special protection areas and Sites of Community importance were delivered to the European Commission on April 28, 2004.

By the SR Government Resolution no. 345 dated May 25, 2010, the National list of SPAs was changed, 2 areas were excluded from it (Boheľovské ponds and Trnavské ponds), an in accordance with the European Commission´s instruction 5 new areas were added (Levočské mountains, Chočské Mountains, Čergov, Slovenský raj, and Špačince Nižná).

In 2012, the last territory from the national list of special protection area was declared - SPA Levočské Mountains; the decree came into force in 2013.

As of 2012, the SR Government approved all 41 special protection areas.
The list currently contains 41 areas with an acreage of 1,309,984 ha, which represents 26.7% of the SR territory. On forest land there is over 68% of the areas, on agricultural land over 21%.

In 2022:
  • SNC SR, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the SR, finalized expert proposals for management programs (MP) for the SPAs and submitted them for approval to the Slovak government.
  • In 2022, the SR government approved 3 MP for SPAa (Medzibodrožie, Senianske rybníky and Volovské vrchy). As a result, the number of SPAs having an approved PS increased to 23, out of the total number of 41 SPAs. Another 8 programs are in the processing stage.

International comparison



Mgr. Peter Kapusta, SAŽP,

Related definitions:

The protected area is a geographically defined area which is determined or regulated and managed in order to achieve the specific objectives of conservation.
(Art. 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity)

Sites of Community Importance (SCI) they are not a new category of protected area, their definition for the EU Member States results from  the Council Directive no. 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (“Habitats Directive”).
The Site of Community Importance, pursuant to the Section 26 par.1 of SR NC Act No. 543/2002 Coll. on Nature and landscape protection, means the territory of the Slovak Republic created by one or more sites,
a) with the habitats of Community importance or species of Community importance for the protection of which  the protected areas are declared,
b) which are included in the national list of these sites, procured by the Ministry, and discussed with the SR Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Special Protection Areas (SPA) the newer category of protected area, established in a national law in connection with the transposition of Council Directive No. 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds, later replaced by the European Parliament and Council Directive 2009/147/EC of November 30, 2009 on the Conservation of wild birds (Birds Directive), which considers the scientific - ornithological criteria to be single and the most important criterion for selecting sites.
Habitats of migratory bird species, especially their breeding areas, moulting, wintering and resting places along their migration routes, and habitats of Community importance bird species may be declared as protected bird areas in order to ensure their survival and reproduction (Section 26 par. 1 of SR NC Act No. 543/2002 Coll. on Nature and landscape protection).



Data on the area of Natura 2000 protected areas are provided by the State Nature Conservancy of the SR (SNC SR). The data of international comparison of countries are drawn from the European Commission web site (Environment / Nature & Biodiversity Natura 2000 Barometer).


Data sources:



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