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Sorted collection of municipal waste

Last update of indicator20.10.2023

Indicator definition

The indicator describes the status and development of sorting of municipal and biodegradable municipal waste.


%, kg


Related policy documents and targets

Greener Slovakia, Strategy of the Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030 (2019)

Goal 10: Towards the Circular Economy
  • By 2030, the municipal waste recycling rate, including its preparation for re-use, will be increased to 60% and by 2035, the land-filling rate will be reduced to less than 25%. Slovakia will use green public procurement at least in 70% of the total value of the public procurement. It will increase support for green innovation, science and research. Disposal of food waste for supermarkets will be prohibited.

Goal 10.2: Gradual Increase of Fees for Waste Landfill
Goal 10.3: Introduction of Incentive for Waste Collection Depending on the Actual Quantity of Waste
Goal 10.5: Prevention of the Production of Biodegradable and Food Waste


Waste Prevention Programme 2019 — 2025 (2019)
The main objective of the programme is to shift from material recovery as the only priority in the waste management of the Slovak Republic to waste prevention in accordance with the waste management hierarchy of the Slovak Republic.

The target for mixed municipal waste is to reduce it by 50% by 2025 compared to 2016.

The target for biodegradable municipal waste is to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste in mixed municipal waste by 60% by 2025 compared to 2016.


Waste Management Programme of the Slovak Republic for 2021 — 2025 (2021)

The main objective of the waste management of the Slovak Republic until 2025 is to divert waste away from landfill disposal, especially for municipal waste.

It is necessary to continue to enforce waste management hierarchy with emphasis on waste prevention, preparation for re-use and recycling. The promotion of waste prevention, together with reuse and preparation for reuse, including through the implementation of the measures of the Waste Prevention Programme for 2019 — 2025, are an integral key part of the long-term efforts of the Slovak Republic to reduce the amount of waste generated on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

The target for municipal waste is to increase the rate of separate collection of municipal waste to 60% and the rate of preparation for re-use and recycling of municipal waste to 55% by 2025.

The target for biodegradable waste is to reduce the share of biodegradable municipal waste in mixed municipal waste to 25 % by 2025.

Key question

What is the development trend in the separation of municipal waste and biodegradable municipal waste?

Key messages

  • Based on the long-term monitoring of collection of components separated from municipal waste (paper, plastic, glass, metal), a upward trend of separated components of municipal waste can be seen. In 2022, 142.78 kg more sorted waste per person was collected than in 2005 (an increase of over 900 %). There was a year-on-year decrease in the rate of separate collection (paper and cardboard, glass, plastics, metals, biodegradable waste) of municipal waste (from 43.2% in 2021 to 41.5% in 2022).
  • The target for sorted municipal waste collection set in the Slovak Waste Management Programme for 2021-2025 (to reach 60% by 2025) has not yet been met. In the light of the SR's commitments to prepare for reuse and recycling, sorted collection will need to be significantly intensified.
  • The long-term monitoring of statistical indicators of the sorted collection of biodegradable municipal waste shows a positive trend. In 2022, 415 % more biodegradable municipal waste was collected than in 2005. Year-on-year, the rate of separate collection of biodegradable municipal waste increased by less than 1%.
  • As with other sorted components of municipal waste, the efficiency of sorting of municipal biowaste separation will have to be significantly intensified in order to achieve the objectives for reducing the amount of biowaste disposed by landfilling.
Change since 2005 Change since 2015 Last year-on-year change Progress in achieving of concrete defined objective
Pozitivny trend Pozitivny trend emo_neutral emo_neutral
Since 2005, the efficiency of MW separation has increased, and there has also been an increase in the separate collection of biodegradable municipal waste. In the mid-term, the efficiency of MW separation has increased, and there has been an increase in the separate collection of biodegradable municipal waste. There has been a slight year-on-year decrease in MW separation. There was a slight increase in the separate collection of biodegradable municipal waste. The target for separate collection of municipal waste (to reach 60% by 2025) has not yet been met. Despite the positive trend, the intensity and efficiency of separate collection needs to be increased to meet further targets.

Summary assessment

Detailed assessment

In terms of the composition of municipal waste, mixed municipal waste is the largest component. In 2022, this component accounted for 1 025 072 tonnes (approximately 39.5%), followed by municipal waste components from separate collection (33%) and garden and park wastes (approximately 13%).


The development of separate collection of municipal waste´s 4 components

  2005 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Paper (t) 31 940 48 163 65 157 71 011 83 558 103 311 106 961 104 773 111 335 109 432
Glass (t) 17 509 42 643 53 518 55 984 57 744 66 251 71 524 79 109 82 889 85 853
Plastics (t) 9 236 22 789 34 658 36 123 43 720 49 795 57 923 68 943 82 812 86 133
Metals (t) 14 236 10 007 30 833 110 269 211 247 347 275 336 195 372 974 443 939 408 489
Total (t) 72 921 123 602 184 166 273 388 369 269 566 632 572 603 625 799 720 975 689 907
Total sorted collection of MW (kg/capita) 13,53 22,74 33,9 60,42 67,8 103,9 104,9 114,6 132,6 127,1

Zdroj: SO SR

Amount of municipal waste (t)

  2002 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Municipal waste total 1 524 404 1 808 506 1 888 456 1 953 478 2 136 952 2 325 178 2 369 725 2 596 725 2 705 327 2 597 457
Separately collected components of MW 46 138 134 662 219 936 328 074 466 994 628 994 641 975 734 550 871 853 860 409
Separately collected MW  of which: Hazardous waste 1 196 5 437 6 057 7 216 9 056 14 601 15 769 17 509 15 455 14 298
Garden and park wastes 79 651 122 541 144 011 144 403 174 168 206 223 253 649 312 599 353 392 337 284
Other MW 1 323 325 1 461 809 1 420 234 1 417 049 1 416 626 1 418 871 1 403 236 1 364 914 1 300 754 1 212 220
Other MW of which:
mixed MW
1 058 770 1 209 369 1 193 688 1 184 729 1 176 580 1 174 065 1 166 419 1 144 886 1 089 587 1 025 072
Minor constraction waste 75 291 89 494 104 275 63 952 79 163 71 089 70 865 - - -

Note: The following waste codes are not included in the municipal waste outputs from the reference year 2020 onwards: 20 02 02 - Soil and stones, 20 03 06 - Waste from sewage cleaning and 20 03 08 - Minor construction waste. In contrast, from the 2020 ref. onwards, data for municipal waste from other sources are added.

Source: SO SR


Development of separate collection of biodegradable municipal waste (t)

Waste 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Paper and paperboard 48 163 57 854 71 011 84 717 103 311 106 961 104 773 111 335 109 432
Biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste 1 528 4 755 27 030 24 778 19 345 4 156 16 275 35 917 51 818
Edible oil and fat 12 450 176 242 334 425 3 863 1 758 2 128
Biodegradable waste 94 027 133 582 129 854 163 083 199 970 247 673 309 765 350 577 334 666
Waste from markets 2 083 707 632 653 578 985 854 501 265
Wood 1 556 6 768 8 651 10 484 13 382 20 097 31 095 43 668 50 679
Total 147 369 204 116 237 354 283 957 336 919 380 297 466 625 543 756 548 988

Zdroj: SO SR

International comparison


Ing. Juraj Vajcík, SAŽP,

Related definitions:

According to the Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on Waste and on amending certain laws, as amended:

Municipal waste is:
(a) mixed municipal waste and separately collected household waste, including paper and cardboard, glass, metals, plastics, biological waste, wood, textiles, packaging, waste electrical and electronic equipment, used batteries and accumulators and bulky waste, including mattresses and furniture

(b) mixed municipal waste and separately collected waste from other sources, if such waste is similar in nature and composition to household waste.

A component of municipal waste is a part of municipal waste that can be mechanically separated and classified as a separate type of waste. A component of municipal waste shall be considered to be segregated if it does not contain other components of municipal waste or other impurities that can be classified as separate types of waste.

Separate collection of municipal waste is an activity in which the components of municipal waste are collected separately.

Mixed municipal waste is unsorted municipal waste or municipal waste after sorting of municipal waste components.

Minor construction waste is waste from routine maintenance work carried out by or for a natural person for which a local charge for municipal waste and minor construction waste is payable.

Biodegradable waste is waste that is capable of decomposing anaerobically or aerobically, such as in particular food waste, paper and cardboard waste, garden and park waste.

Biowaste is waste from gardens and parks, food waste and kitchen waste from households, offices, restaurants, wholesalers, canteens, catering establishments and retail establishments that is biodegradable and comparable to bio-waste from food processing plants.

Biodegradable municipal waste is all types of biodegradable waste that can be classified in Group 20 Municipal waste (according to the Waste Catalogue).


The indicator is a specific indicator to monitor the development of waste management. It expresses the proportion of sorted (separated) municipal waste components and the total amount of biodegradable municipal waste separated from municipal waste, as recorded under Act No 79/2015 Coll. on waste and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts.
According to Annex 1 of the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic No.365/2015 Coll., which establishes the Waste Catalogue, this indicator includes the following types of waste:

  • separated municipal waste: 4 selected components of waste of subgroup 20 01:
Catalogue number of waste Waste name
20 01 01 Paper and cardboard
20 01 02 Glass
20 01 39 Plastics
20 01 40


  • biodegradable municipal waste: waste with catalogue numbers:
Catalogue number of waste Waste name
20 01 08 Biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste
20 01 25 Edible fat and oil
20 01 38 Wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37 (20 01 37 - Wood containing dangerous substances)
20 02 01 Biodegradable waste


The monitoring of the quantities of waste produced in the Slovak Republic is determined by legal requirements, in particular Act No. 79/2015 Coll. on Waste and Act No. 540/2001 Coll. on State Statistics (both acts as amended). Waste data are collected through reporting by waste producers and waste management facilities and through surveys conducted by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic in the field of municipal waste.

Waste is listed in accordance with Decree No 365/2015 Coll. of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic (as amended). Individual wastes are assigned waste catalogue numbers, which are sorted on the basis of the place of generation (origin) of the waste. The waste is classified into twenty groups, each of which is divided into subgroups containing the different types of waste. Individual wastes are assigned a catalogue number and a category, which may be 'O' for other (non-hazardous) waste or 'N' for hazardous waste.

Until 2013, the provider of the data necessary for the analysis of waste generation and management in the Slovak Republic was the Slovak Environment Agency as the administrator of the Regional Information System on Waste (RISO) and, for municipal waste, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic). Since 2014, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is responsible for municipal waste statistics.

Data sources:


Related indicators:


Related international indicators:

Linked references: