Environmental protection expenditure

Dátum poslednej aktualizácie:21.11.2023


Definícia indikátora

The indicator describes the expenses that are incurred on environmental protection. The expenses are comprised of investments into environmental protection and standard expenses. The indicator also evaluates the allocation of expenses according to resources (private and public), their contribution towards GDP, and distribution of expenses according to areas of finance.

Jednotka indikátora

%, thous. EUR


Related definitions:

Expenditures on environmental protection are formed by the costs of environmental protection from enterprises with 20 or more employees, and costs of environmental protection from municipalities (public expenses). The total amount of expenditures on environmental protection is the sum of investment and current expenditure of companies and municipalities. The source of data on environmental protection expenditures are the statistical surveys of SO SR.
Investments on environmental protection (investment costs) are the funds spent in the referred period on building, purchase or acquisition of fixed assets serving for environmental protection – i.e. the protection of air, water, soil and other components. An organizational unit can obtain investments from its own or state resources (targeted subsidies and low level loans) as well as from abroad, through specialized funds (Operational Programme Environment, Operational Programme Basic Infrastructure), provided loans, grants and subsidies from government or non-governmental sources.
Current expenditures on environmental protection are non-investment costs for activities related to environmental protection. The current costs include intraorganizational costs (especially labour costs) and the costs which an organization pays to other entities for provided environmental services.


The sources of data on expenditures on environmental protection are the statistical surveys of SO SR. The data are processed on the basis of annual processing of statistical reporting for companies with 20 or more employees and for municipalities. The source of data on expenditures on environmental protection is the SO SR statistical survey. The data are processed on the basis of annual processing of statistical reporting for companies with 20 or more employees and for municipalities. Expenditures on environmental protection are broken down based on the CEPA 2000 classification (Classification of Environmental Protection Activities and Expenditure). According to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (SK NACE Rev. 2), the specialized manufacturers produce primarily environmental services in the field of wastewater treatment and the waste management. The production of environmental services is their main economic activity.

Data sources:

SO SR, Eurostat

Related international indicators:


Linked reference:

Väzba indikátora k rozvojovým dokumentom a cieľom

Strategy of the Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030 „Greener Slovakia“

 By 2030, Slovakia will consider the possibility of expanding environmental taxes in individual areas and, on this basis, selected measures will be applied to increase their overall volume. The control of polluting installations will be improved and the application practice of fines will be changed. Pollution fines will be increased to such an extent that exceeding the limits is not economically attractive

The national strategy for sustainable development (2001)

One of the principles of SD that is being used is the principle "the polluter pays". It is necessary to transfer all environmental expenses on to producers and consumers, not transferring these on to different parts of the society, different countries or future generations. The prices themselves should reflect the relative scarcity and total value of resources and they should thusly contribute towards environmental protection. Such tools are especially:

·         national budget, municipal budgets, businesses' budgets, and different organisations' budgets,

·         various reforms of tax breaks, soft loans, subsidies, interest-free loans etc.,

·         forms of negative incentives such as payments for pollution and utilisation of natural resources,

·         taxes,

·         valuation of resources, valuation of labour, valuation of goods etc.

Strategic goals:
18. The completion of comprehensive transformation of the economy

application of economic, finance and tax tools that support sustainable development (for instance, a reform of taxes with an environmental aspect).

24. Decreasing of energy and resource intensity and increasing of the efficiency of the economy of SR; implementation of an environmental tax reform - the creation of an economic environment that respects and stimulates environmental protection, natural resources, and considerate consumer behaviour.

Program Declaration of the Government of the Slovak Republic for years 2021-2024

In the Program Declaration of the Government of the Slovak Republic for 2021 - 2024, the Government of the Slovak Republic states that expenses related to the environment will be spent efficiently and investments will be assessed according to the criterion of value for money. The Government of the Slovak Republic will implement a comprehensive reform of the functioning of the Environmental Fund with an emphasis on transparency and objectively measurable criteria. In addition to the reimbursement of expenditure, the possibility of a pre-allocation scheme for approved projects will be introduced. The Slovak government will consider changes in tax policy towards a green, fiscally neutral tax reform. The Slovak government will increase investment in mitigation and adaptation measures from the sale of emission permits. As air discharge fees have not changed since 2008 and are among the lowest in the EU, the government will carry out a gradual indexation. .


Kľúčová otázka

Have the expenditures on environmental protection been increasing?

Kľúčové zistenia

  • The expenditure on environmental protection in SR follows a fluctuating trend. The expenditure in 2022 rose by 102.2 % compared to 2005. Year-on-year, spending on environmental protection increased by 25.9 %.
  • The contribution of businesses' expenditure towards total environmental protection expenditure during the assessed period is growing and the contribution of municipalities follows a fluctuating trend.  The expenditure of businesses, however, significantly overwhelms the expenditure by municipalities. In 2022, the contribution of businesses' expenditure was 79.4 % and the contribution of municipalities' expenses was 20.6 %.
  • The largest contribution towards environmental protection expenditure goes into the area of waste management which in 2022 reached 67.3 % (In 2005 this contribution was 35 %).
  • The total contribution of environmental protection expenditure towards GDP in 2022 reached 1.44%.
  • SR is one of the EU countries with an average share of public sector costs in GDP.
Change since 2005 Change since 2015 Last year change
emo_smile emo_smile emo_smile
The expenditure in 2022 rose by 102.2 % compared to 2005. In the mid-term evaluation a growing trend was reported. In 2022 environmental protection costs increased.

Sumárne zhodnotenie

Podrobné zhodnotenie

The expenditure on environmental protection (investment and standard expenses) have been slightly fluctuating since 2005 until 2015, when they increased significantly. In 2016, costs decreased compared to 2015 and in the following years they followed an increasing trend. Environmental protection costs amounted to EUR 1 582 725 thousand in 2022. Costs increased by 102.2 % compared to 2005 and increased by 16.8 % compared to the previous year.

The share of enterprises and municipal expenditures in total expenditures on environmental protection (%)

2021 2022
83 79,4
17 20,6
100,0 100,0

Source: SO SR

The contribution of businesses' expenditure towards total environmental protection expenditure during the assessed period follows a fluctuating trend.  In 2005 businesses contributed 80.7% towards the total expenditure on environmental protection and their contribution decreased to 79,4% in 2022. Year-on-year, in 2022 there was a decrease of 3,6 % in the contribution of expenditure.
The contribution of municipalities' expenditure towards total environmental protection expenditure during the assessed period follows a fluctuating trend. In 2005 municipalities contributed 19.3% towards the total expenditure on environmental protection and their contribution increased to 20,6 % in 2022. There is a 3,6 % increase in the cost share in 2022 compared to the previous year.

The contribution of businesses' environmental protection expenditure towards GDP has a fluctuating trend in the period under review. In 2005, the share of enterprises was 1.3% of GDP and in 2022 it dropped to 1,15 % of GDP. In 2022, there is a 0,19 % increase in the share of costs compared to the previous year. The share of municipal environmental protection costs in GDP has been on the constant trend over the period under review. In 2005, the share of municipal costs was 0.25% and in 2022 it reached 0.30 % of GDP. In 2022, there is a slight increase of 0.01% in the share of costs compared to the previous year. The share of total environmental protection costs in GDP was 1.55% in 2005 and declined to 1.44 % in 2022. In 2022, there is a increase in the cost share of 0.16% compared to the previous year.

The expenditure on environmental protection in industrial production in 2022 reached the amount of 262 738 000 Euro and compared to 2009 this increased by 26.1 %. Year-on-year, the expenditure rose by 12.8 %. The expenditure on environmental protection in production of electricity, gas and water in 2022 reached the amount of 235 021 000 Euro and compared to 2009 this decreased by 33.7 %. Year-on-year, the expenditure decreased by 80.1 %. The expenditure on environmental protection in specialised production in 2022 reached the amount of 650 017 000 Euro and compared to 2009 this increased 6 times. Year-on-year, the expenditure increased by 29.9 %. The expenditure on environmental protection in other activities in 2022 reached the amount of 103 646 000 Euro and compared to 2009 this increased by 30.8 %. Year-on-year, the expenditure rose by 28.2 %.

The expenditure on environmental protection in the area of soil and ground water protection in 2022 reached the amount of 33 663 000 Euro and compared to 2005 this increased by 7 %. Year-on-year, the expenditure rose by 3.9 %. The expenditure on environmental protection in the area of waste management in 2022 reached the amount of 714 051 000 Euro and compared to 2005 this increased by 242 %. Year-on-year, the expenditure rose by 19.6 %. The expenditure on environmental protection in the area of sewage water management in 2022 reached the amount of 275 252 000 Euro and compared to 2005 this increased by 102.7 %. Year-on-year, the expenditure increased by 58.5 %.

In 2005, the largest share of the total environmental protection expenditure went into the area of waste management (35%), area of air protection (29.9%) and the sewage water management (17.5%). In 2022, the largest share of the total environmental protection expenditure went into the area of waste management (67.3%), sewage water management (17.4%) and soil and ground water protection (2.1%).

In 2005, the largest share of the businesses' environmental protection expenditure went into the area of air protection (33.3%), waste management (27.5%) and the sewage water management (18.4%). In 2022, the largest share of the businesses' environmental protection expenditure went into the area of waste management (64.2%), sewage water management (18.8%) and soil and ground water protection (2.6%).

In 2005, the largest share of the municipalities' environmental protection expenditure went into the area of waste management (73.6%), sewage water management (12.7%) and the air protection (7.9%). In 2022, the largest share of the municipalities' environmental protection expenditure went into the area of waste management (79.5%), sewage water management (12%) and soil and ground water protection (0.4%).


Kontakt na spracovateľa

Ing. Ivana Malatincová, SAŽP, ivana.malatincova@sazp.sk