Groundwater abstraction

Dátum poslednej aktualizácie:23.01.2024




Definícia indikátora

The indicator provides information on the share of used groundwater from the total documented usable amounts of groundwater and the development of groundwater withdrawals.

Jednotka indikátora



Related definitions:

Abstraction of water is the amount of collected surface water and groundwater by user groups.

The total available quantity of groundwater of Slovakia is a summary of resources and inventory approved by the Hydrogeological commission, and of non-approved quantities, defined on the basis of documented quantities from hydro-geological surveys and researches.

Water use rate represents the proportion of total abstractions (surface and groundwater) to the annual amount drained from the SR territory.


Data on surface water abstractions, groundwater abstractions and wastewater discharges into surface waters or groundwater are sent by the entity abstracting surface water or groundwater from a single source in a quantity greater than 15,000 m3 per year, or over 1,250 m3 per month, or using special water for business; it is required to report data on these abstractions, and data specified in the permit to January 31 of the following calendar year in the SHMI forms.

The data are then processed and evaluated on the basis of a valid "Methodology for processing the water management balance of surface water amount for the past year", and a methodology "SWMB - ground water. Methodology of processing state water management balance of the past year".

Data sources:


Related international indicators:

Linked references:

Väzba indikátora k rozvojovým dokumentom a cieľom

Action Plan for Water Protection in the Protected Water Management Area of Žitný ostrov (2023)
The main goal of the Action Plan is to effectively protect the quality and quantity of groundwater on Žitný ostrov as the most important source of drinking water in Slovakia.
Therefore, the proposed preventive measures are mainly aimed at:
  •  preventing or limiting the entry of pollutants into the groundwater and preventing the deterioration of the condition of all groundwater bodies,
  •  reversing any significant and permanently upward trend in the concentration of the pollutant, which is caused by human activity, in order to gradually reduction of groundwater pollution. The key areas for which measures are proposed in the Action Plan were identified in the Problem Analysis. These are the following areas/problems:
  • excessive use and development of the territory threatening the quality and quantity of water in CHVO Žitný ostrov,
  • unsupportive legal regulations and weak enforcement of the law,
  • insufficient information system and connection of monitoring systems,
  • insufficient environmental awareness and education of professional and lay people public.
Based on the analysis and the established vision, specific goals were proposed:
  • sustainable use of the territory and its development,
  • safe drinking water taken from CHVO Žitný ostrov,
  • reduction of threats to groundwater quality from local sources of pollution,
  • reliable monitoring and information system,
  • environmentally responsible approach to the protection and use of water.
The implementation of the Action Plan will be evaluated in 2027. The measures will be evaluated and then, as necessary, incorporated into the update of the Water Plan of Slovakia, or to planning documents in other areas (e.g. waste management, environmental burdens, spatial planning).


The concept of the water policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030 with a view to 2050 (2022)

The concept formulates measures in ten areas of intervention and indicators and a time frame for the implementation of individual measures are assigned to them. The achievement of the target value is generally considered for the year 2030, unless another time frame is indicated. In the case of indicators where the initial value is not known, the expected development trend (increasing/decreasing) is indicated.

The concept of water policy focuses on ten priority areas, which are interconnected, and focuses on the area of ​​water use.

 3. Sustainable use of water

Goal 3.1. Sustainable and efficient use of surface and underground waters without endangering their quantity and quality

Goal 3.2. Functional crisis management in times of drought and water shortages

4. Water for all residents

Goal 4.1. Ensuring the supply of health-safe drinking water for all residents

Goal 4.2. Increasing the connection of residents to municipal wastewater treatment systems and increasing the share of treated municipal wastewater

Water plan of the Slovak Republic for period 2022 - 2027 (2021)

Environmental objectives aim to ensure and improve the quality of aquatic ecosystems and sustainable, balanced and equitable water use. Environmental targets are defined for surface water bodies, the groundwater bodies and the protected areas.

Environmental target for surface water bodies is to perform measures aimed at:

  • Preventing deterioration of the condition of surface water bodies;
  • Protection, improvement and restoration of surface water bodies in order to achieve good surface water status by December 22, 2015 or 2021 within the second planning cycle, or until 2027 within the third planning cycle;
  • Protection and improvement of artificial and considerably changed surface water bodies so that the good ecological potential and good chemical condition are achieved until 22 December 2015 and 2021 within the second planning cycle, or until 2027 within the third planning cycle;
  • Gradual decreasing in pollution by priority substances and stopping or gradual termination of emissions, discharge and leakages of priority dangerous substances.

Environmental objectives aim to ensure and improve the quality of aquatic ecosystems and sustainable, balanced and equitable water use. Environmental targets are defined for surface water bodies, the groundwater bodies and the protected areas.

Environmental target for underground water bodies is to perform measures aimed at:

  • Preventing or limiting entry of pollutants into underground water and at preventing deterioration of the condition of underground water bodies;
  • Protection, improvement and renewal of underground water bodies and at ensuring the balance between underground water takings and completing their quantity in order to achieve the good condition of underground water until 22 December 2015 and 2021 within the second planning cycle, or until 2027 within the third planning cycle;
  • Reversing the important increasing trend of the pollutant concentration that is caused by human activities in order to decrease the underground water pollution gradually.


Plan for the development of public water supply systems and public sewers for the territory of the Slovak Republic for the years 2022 - 2027 (2021)

A. Plan for the development of public water supply systems

The Water Supply Development Plan is a starting document drawn up in accordance with the requirements established by the European Union for the fulfillment of the basic condition for the financing of measures in the field of water management in the program period 2022 – 2027.
The goal of the Public Water Supply Development Plan is to analyze the conditions for ensuring the necessary level of drinking water supply, to establish priorities and conditions for its implementation.
The strategic goal of the development of public water supply systems is to increase the number of inhabitants supplied from public water supply systems and to ensure the supply of health-safe drinking water.
The plan for the development of public water supply systems proposes to implement:
  • construction of public water supply systems in villages without water supply systems
  • increasing the number of inhabitants supplied from public water supply systems
  • and ensuring problem-free supplying residents with safe drinking water without negative impacts on residents' health and the environment.
The strategic goal is to ensure that the supplied drinking water meets health safety requirements and the limits of drinking water quality indicators for all residents of the Slovak Republic. Municipalities within the reach of the constructed water systems will gradually be supplied with water and the inhabitants will be supplied with drinking water supplied from high-quality water sources. Water supplies should gradually be built in municipalities that are beyond the reach of current water supplies and large-capacity sources. In the case of municipalities that are currently without a public water supply system, a proposal is presented to solve the supply until 2027, or the following years, depending on available public financial resources. If no solution method is proposed for the village, this village will be solved after 2027.


B. Public Sewerage Development Plan

The main goal of the Public Sewerage Development Plan is to establish the basic optimal concept for the development of sewerage and wastewater treatment in municipalities in the Slovak Republic until 2027. Council Directive 91/271 establishes the corresponding conditions for the removal and treatment of municipal wastewater for EU member states. /EHS on municipal wastewater treatment.
Goals for the development of public sewers by 2027:
7.1. Development of public sewers until 2027
I. Priority implementation of sewerage constructions
  • construction, expansion and increase of the hydraulic capacity of sewage networks in municipalities from agglomerations larger than 2,000 EO, construction, expansion and increase of the capacity of waste water treatment plants in municipalities from agglomerations larger than 2,000 EO (agglomerations with the highest priority are contained in Annex No. 6),
  • construction of sewer networks and wastewater treatment plants in agglomerations up to 2,000 EO, located in protected water management areas, in which there are large-capacity sources of groundwater and which aim to prevent threats to quality and quantity of groundwater so that their use is not endangered (CHVO Žitný ostrov),
  • construction of wastewater treatment plants, or feeder to another sewage system in municipalities included in agglomerations of less than 2,000 EO, in cases where a sewage network is already built or partially built and wastewater is discharged without treatment.
II. ongoing implementation of sewage construction
  • ongoing construction, expansion and increase of the hydraulic capacity of sewer networks and capacity increase and construction of new waste water treatment plants in all municipalities of the Slovak Republic (except municipalities falling under the National Program for the Implementation of Council Directive 91/271/EEC).
7.2. Classification of municipalities into sewage systems
  • Classification of municipalities into sewage systems by district in size categories of up to 2,000 inhabitants, from 2,001 to 10,000 inhabitants and over 10,000 inhabitants by district. The list of municipalities is given in the appendices of the Public Sewerage Development Plan.
7.3. Renewal of water supply and sewerage infrastructure
  • The concept of renewal of public waterworks and public sewerage systems is elaborated in a separate annex of the public sewerage development plan.
  Strategy of the environmental policy of the Slovak Republic - Greener Slovakia (2019)

Sustainable Use and Effective Protection of Natural Resources

Goals: A good condition and water potential of all water bodies through the restoration of river ecosystems will be accomplished.

1. Enough clean water for everyone

1.1 The prevention of water pollution

  •  Illegally discharged waste water from households, commerce and services, but also from the industry or leakage from environmental burdens and agricultural activity, significantlypollute surface and ground water. Strengthening and streamlining of controls, documentation of legal waste water disposal and a threat of real effective sanctions will help limit these actions.

1.3. Elimination of adverse impacts on water courses

  •  In terms of the impact on water status, there are three main groups of significant hydromorphological changes: a disruption of longitudinal connection of the rivers and the habitats, a disruption of transverse connection of wetlands and inundation with sewer and other morphological changes and hydrological changes. It is therefore essential to focus on the revitalization and re-naturalization of water courses and the adjacent riverine landscapes and to ensure the coherence of water courses, which is one of the basic conditions for the functioning of river ecosystems.
  •  The prioritization of renewal of land improvement channels will be set, depending on their function and use. Land improvement channels can also drain water from areas, where it is necessary. For this reason, it will be important to assess where the operation and maintenance of channels is needed and where it is environmentally harmful.  

Orientation, Principles and Priorities of the Slovak Republic Water Management  Policy by 2027 (2016)

Priorities of water management
In order to ensure the efficient use of water resources:

  • Ensure fair and sustainable use of water resources;
  • Ensure that water resource management was in line with environmental ethic based on balancing the resources and needs of water, or water accounting in a river basin, which at the same time has a direct link also to addressing the water scarcity problem.
  • Based on the indicators of water scarcity, to determine the manner of efficient use of water for water-exploiting industries, especially for industry and energy, agriculture and households;
  • Identify alternative sources of groundwater. These resources should be of good quality properties, long residence time and low vulnerability. Where there are not enough good-quality groundwater resources, it is necessary to look for alternative solutions within the surface waters, for example through water supply of available water systems;


The Slovak Republic Strategy for Adaptation to Adverse Effects of Climate Change- Update (2018)

1. Strategy Goals

The main goal of the updated the Slovak Republic Strategy for Adaptation to Adverse Effects of Climate Change is to prepare Slovakia for tackling the adverse effects of climate change, deliver comprehensive information about the current state of adaptation processes in Slovakia, and based on their analysis establish an institutional framework for a coordinating mechanism which will ensure effective implementation of adaptation measures across all levels and in all areas, as well as improve general awareness of the domain.
5. Impact of climate change on select areas and recommended adaptation measures
5.4. Water regime and water management
Adaptation measures in local conditions should aim at compensating for the instances of drought, that is, the decrease of flows of water and water yields, as well as minimising the negative consequences of floods, especially flash floods in montane and submontane regions. Climate change adaptation within the domain of water management should be oriented towards implementing measures which will create the conditions for better water outflow management in catchment areas. In the domain of water management elements of green and blue infrastructure, green structural approaches and non-structural adaptation concepts should be prioritised over elements of grey infrastructure whenever it is technically possible and efficient to do so. Adaptation measures should focus on preserving or improving the current state of water, with the aim of achieving its good state, efficient and sustainable utilisation of water resources, protection against floods and contribution towards protection of nature and land and support with ecosystem services provision. It is important to create space for a wider application of so-called "green" measures in catchment areas where the main goal is to increase the land's adaptability through regeneration and improvement of efficiency of ecosystem functions of the land. "Green" measures are recognised as the better environmental choice, that is, as supplementary-mitigating measures with the aim of minimising the consequences of grey infrastructure, assuming that they are equally effective or more effective in regards to set goals.
Water is becoming a critical strategic stock of the state and it is necessary to protect it and manage its rational and efficient use in line with the goal of ensuring sustainable development. Justifiably, the highest priority is given to water sources, their protection and the need of their more efficient use.

Proposed adaptation measures
-slowing down of water outflow from catchment areas
-decreasing of the maximum flow of floods
-risk assessment
-water management

The Protocol on Water and Health - to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, 1992 - National objectives of SR III (2014)

The reason for the Protocol´s objectives update in 2014 is their fulfilment, or the need of extending the deadlines for the fulfilment of objectives which are still actual, as well as determining new national objectives conditioned by the situation change and the occurrence of new problems to which the attention must be paid, and which seem to be important in terms of Protocol´s objectives implementation in SR. SR has defined the national objectives already for the third time since the Protocol entered into force.

National objectives of SR III

National objective no.11: Increasing public awareness of water and aquatic ecosystems protection and educational activities
Date of fulfilment: y. 2020

National objective no. 12: Strengthening the protection of water resources
Date of fulfilment: y. 2015 – 2020

Kľúčová otázka

What is the level of water use and the status and development in the groundwater abstractions?

Kľúčové zistenia

  • Groundwater takings also recorded their decrease after 2005, but since 2016 they have had a balanced character with minimal increases and decreases. In 2022, takinds decreased by 5.94% compared to 2005. The year-on-year (2021-2022) increase was 2.67%.
  • In a more detailed evaluation of the use of groundwater in Slovakia according to the purpose of use, it is possible to state that there was an increase in withdrawals in six categories, except for the food industry, in which, on the contrary, a decrease in withdrawals was recorded.
  • The share of used groundwater from the total documented usable amounts of groundwater reached 14.07%.
Change since 2005 Change since 2015 Last year-on-year change
emo_smile emo_neutral emo_neutral
 The abstractions of groundwater fell. A decrease was also recorded in withdrawals according to the purpose of use.
There was an increase in groundwater withdrawals, except for 2020, when there was a slight decrease. A decrease was also recorded in withdrawals according to the purpose of use.
There was an increase in groundwater withdrawals, except for 2020, when there was a slight decrease. A decrease was also recorded in withdrawals according to the purpose of use.


Sumárne zhodnotenie

Podrobné zhodnotenie

Water resources, particularly their renewable components (i.e. available for abstractions) are essential for human development and its economic activities. Water abstraction for public water supplies, industry and cooling in power plants represents a significant pressure on the water resources themselves, as well as on their quality and quantity issues. Though overall, in most European countries the volume of available water greatly exceeds the requirements on water resources imposed by the human society, the division of water resources and the intensity of their use is not, in terms of spatial and temporal characteristics, uniform.

In 2022, on the basis of hydrological assessments and surveys, 79 342 l.s-1 exploitable groundwater resources were available in Slovakia. Compared to the previous year 2021, a slight increase of exploitable groundwater resources by 811.2 l.s-1, i.e. by 1.03%, was shown. In long-term ratings, the increase in usable amounts compared to 1990 represents 853.46 l.s-1, i.e. 1..08%.

Exploitable groundwater resources (2020)

Source: SHMI

In 2022, customers (subject to reporting requirements under the Act) used an average of 11 163.74 l.s-1 of groundwater in total in Slovakia which was 14.07% of documented available volumes. During 2022, groundwater abstraction recorded increase of 289.97 l.s-1, which represents increase of 2.67% compared to 2021.

In a year-on-year comparison (2021-2022), there was an increase in groundwater withdrawals according to the purpose of use in six categories, except for the food industry, which recorded a decrease of 40.02 l.s-1 (15.06%). Groundwater withdrawals increased the most in the category of other use by 203.81 l.s-1 (16.3%) and public water supply by 63.84 l.s-1 (0.80%), there was also an increase in the categories of agricultural plant production by 34.15 l.s-1 (17.46%) and other industry by 13.24 l.s-1 (1.72%), the categories of social needs and agricultural and livestock production recorded a minimal increase.
 Use of ground water according to utilization purposes (l.s-1)
  Water services
Food industry Other industry Agric. and
anim. production
Plant production,
Social purposes Others In total
1996 13 219,80 362,70 1 924,00 630,90 26,50 360,70 235,90 16 760,50
2000 11 188,38 321,23 1 177,18 446,78 18,20 432,99 632,66 14 217,42
2001 10 480,56 330,04 1 121,80 427,14 15,34 402,70 620,33 13 397,91
2002 10 201,77 311,24 1 101,19 392,86 34,78 323,09 648,24 13 013,17
2003 10 064,94 329,51 999,29 385,49 380,87 320,74 822,52 13 303,36
2004 9 431,53 322,04 901,65 320,51 65,17 327,02 832,93 12 200,85
2005 9 159,87 288,25 856,75 308,82 95,07 279,72 878,98 11 867,46
2006 8 836,13 295,62 852,34 275,80 94,96 340,15 970,20 11 665,20
2007 8 441,59 383,87 891,32 267,84 146,25 333,44 901,65 11 365,96
2008 8 468,82 284,98 823,02 253,29 67,52 271,23 953,23 11 122,09
2009 8 475,40 268,13 762,18 232,07 93,80 249,44 963,58 11 044,60
2010 8 295,00 265,00 781,00 217,20 48,70 245,40 967,20 10 819,50
2011 8 071,10 206,20 802,20 210,20 81,10 237,80 993,20 10 601,80
2012 8 149,70 256,60 797,80 221,20 108,40 218,40 967,25 10 719,40
2013 7 886,40 261,60 769,80 220,90 100,80 205,50 993,80 10 438,80
2014 7 674,20 238,60 752,70 227,00 120,60 190,40 983,80 10 187,30
2015 7 701,70 258,50 787,10 200,10 134,40 200,50 1 048,10 10 330,40
2016 7 626,70 243,70 788,50 211,80 103,70 242,80 1 006,40 10 223,60
2018 7 843,90 250,10 831,20 227,80 107,70 192,50 1 292,60 10 745,80
2019 7 786,81 265,68 798,59 227,54 198,03 206.34 1 259,80 10 742,85
2020 7 740,01 245,69 755,79 222,35 205,48 203,39 1 205,90 10 578,58
2021 7 951,97 265,69 769,08 227,23 195,63 195,67 1 268,40 10 873,80
2022 8 015,81 225,80 782,32 229,60 229,78 205,22 1 475,2 11 163,74
Source: SHMI

Kontakt na spracovateľa

Ing. Ľubica Koreňová, SAŽP,