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Organic agricultural production

Last update of indicator28.11.2023

Indicator definition


The indicator describes the development of the proportion of the area of agricultural land cultivated in the system of organic agricultural production of the total area of agricultural land registered in the LPIS (Agricultural Land Identification System).




Related policy documents and targets

 Principles of the State Land Policy (2001)
The Slovak Government declares that the land of the Slovak Republic is the common wealth of the citizens of the state and the heritage of future generations. It is an essential and non-renewable resource, and it forms an integral part of Earth's ecosystems. It remains a basic environmental, ecological, economic and social potential of Slovakia, and must therefore be carefully protected from damage and unjustified reduction of its area and volume.
Strategy of adaptation of SR to the adverse impacts of climate change - update (2018)
Adaptation measures in the native environment:
  • Utilising soil-protecting technologies of farming.
  • Soil-protecting minimising technologies.
  • Implementation of measures to improve soil structure (deep tillage, using manure or green fertilizing).
  • Organic agricultural systems and application of organic fertilisers.
  • Application of organic fertilisers in accordance with the law.
  • Support of integrated production and ecological agriculture measures. 
Adaptation measures in the domain of agriculture.
  • Eco-friendly growing technologies.
  • Support of biological protection and integrated production.
  • Support of diversity of crops and securing of sustainable production and implementing of integrated management of pest control.
  • Implementation of integrated methods of pest control in agriculture.
Greener Slovakia - Environmental policy strategy of the Slovak Republic until 2030 (Envirostrategy 2030) (2019)
Goal: 3.1 Promoting more eco-friendly approaches in agriculture.
  • Ecological agricultural production will be covering at least 13.5% of soil by 2030.
  • Crop diversification will prevent soil nutrition loss, its drying, and it will serve as pest control.
  • Traditional local varieties which can better adapt to the local climate conditions will be preserved and protected.
Vision and Strategy for the Development of Slovakia until 2030 - Long-term Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the Slovak Republic - Slovakia 2030 (2021)
Objective of the Integrated Development Program I.
Population growth and qualitative development, with special emphasis on education, health, culture, the development of civil society and the rule of law, and the conservation and sustainable management and development of natural resources.
I.5 Ensure effective and sustainable management of natural resources
  • Ensure the protection, restoration and improvement of natural resources, including ensuring the stability and health of ecosystems and their services and mainstreaming adaptation and mitigation measures to the adverse effects of climate change into all departmental strategic documents and municipal and regional development documents as an overriding public interest (e.g. in transport planning, energy, spatial planning, water management, agriculture, forestry, sustainable tourism, overall landscape care, etc.).
  • Define the reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants into the environment and the avoidance of degradation of strategic natural resources (water, forests and soil) as a public interest.
  • Reduce the acidification of agricultural soils by ameliorative liming or promote basic agrochemical and agrotechnical measures to improve overall soil quality parameters with a view to better utilisation of nutrients from fertilisers.
  • Increase the area of land with organic farming to 16%, an ambitious increase compared to the current long-standing level (10%), thus moving closer to the ambitions set out in the EU strategies.
Action plan for the implementation of the Slovak Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (2021)
Main objective:
To increase Slovakia's preparedness for the adverse effects of climate change through the implementation of cross-cutting and specific adaptation measures and tasks.
Specific objective 2 - Sustainable agriculture:
Increase the adaptive capacity of agricultural landscape management by applying measures aimed at protecting soil, natural resources and promoting the biodiversity of agricultural landscapes and promoting sustainable crop and livestock production.
Specific measures:
  • Support for soil protection measures
  • Adaptation of crop production to changed climatic conditions
  • Adaptation of livestock production to changed climatic conditions
Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan 2023-2027 (2022)
Specific objective 1: To promote economically sustainable agricultural income and the resilience of the agricultural sector throughout the territory of the Union in order to increase long-term food security and agricultural diversity, as well as to ensure the economic sustainability of agricultural production in the Union
Specific objective 5: Promote sustainable development and efficient management of natural resources such as water, land and air, including by reducing dependence on chemicals
Specific objective 8: Promote employment, growth, gender equality, including women's participation in agriculture, social inclusion and local development in rural areas, including circular bioeconomy and sustainable forestry
Specific objective 9: Improve the response of Union agriculture to society's food and health demands, including demands for high-quality, safe and nutritious food produced in a sustainable manner, demands related to the reduction of food waste, as well as demands to improve animal welfare and combat antimicrobial resistance
Program statement of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the period 2023 – 2027 (2023)
In the area of soil protection and agriculture, the government will proceed from the understanding of the agricultural sector as a complex whole, and therefore declares as its basic strategic goal all-round support for the use of its potential in order to significantly increase Slovakia's food security, which consists in ensuring residents' access to high-quality, safe and affordable food while simultaneously strengthening aspects of sustainable, environmentally friendly management of agricultural and forest land

Key question

Is the proportion of land cultivated in organic farming systems increasing?

Key messages

  • In 2022, a total of 892 entities operating on the area of ​​approximately 249 723.04 ha of agricultural land were registered in the system of organic agricultural production in Slovakia, representing 12.53% of the total agricultural land area.
  • From 2005 to 2022, organic agricultural production recorded a gradual increase, and during the given period, the share of agricultural land managed in this way increased by 9.13 percentage points.
  • Year-on-year, in 2022 compared to 2021, there was a slight decrease in the share of agricultural land managed in an ecological way by 0.04 percentage points.
  • The area of agricultural land in the system of organic agricultural production reached a share of 13.53% of the total area of agricultural land, thus the goal of the Envirostrategy 2030 to increase the share of cultivated land in the system of organic agricultural production to at least 13.5% of the total area of agricultural land by 2030 was achieved.
Change since 2005 Change since 2015 Last year-on-year change Progress in achieving of concrete defined objective
Pozitivny trend Pozitivny trend emo_neutral Pozitivny trend
Since 2005, the area of land used for organic farming has been on an upward trend, with the exception of some years when there has been a slight decrease.

The area of land used for organic farming has increased.

In 2022, the area of agricultural land in the organic farming system was approximately at the same level as in 2021. The Slovak Republic succeeded in meeting the goal of the 2030 Envirostrategy.

Summary assessment

Detailed assessment

Based on general and specific principles, the goal of organic agricultural production is to support environmental protection, preserve biodiversity and build consumer confidence in organic products. These rules govern all areas of organic agricultural production and are based on several key principles:
  • prohibition of the use of GMOs,
  • prohibition of the use of ionizing radiation,
  • limiting the use of artificial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides,
  • banning the use of hormones and limiting the use of antibiotics to cases where it is necessary for animal health.
From a long-term perspective, between 2005 and 2022, the area of agricultural land in the system of organic agricultural production in the Slovak Republic recorded a growing trend and increased by 160,966 ha during the given period.

International comparison

Within a comparison of the share of land cultivated in organic agricultural production in EU countries from the year 2019, Slovakia is ranked on the eighth place.


Ing. Beata Kročková, SAŽP,

Related definitions:

Organic agricultural production is the production of plants using specific crop rotation methods, green fertilization, organic fertilization, authorized natural fertilizers, mechanical, physical and biological methods for plant protection; as well as livestock farming, for which feed is obtained exclusively from organic crop production and which is also given special veterinary care.
An organic producer is a natural or legal person who has been issued with a certificate of competence for the production and processing of organic products or organic foodstuffs.


Under Act No. 189/2009 Coll. on organic agricultural production, the applicant submits an application for registration to the Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (CCTIA), which maintains a register of natural and legal persons, registration holders.

Data sources:

CCTIA, Eurostat


Related international indicators: